National Interest in Advanced STEM Degrees

Have you ever considered applying for permanent residency in the EB-2 National Interest Waiver (NIW) classification and then decided you do not qualify because you lack patents, publications, major awards, or other significant recognition in your field? If you possess an advanced STEM degree and are working to advance progress in a STEM field, you may be a prime candidate for the NIW classification!

In January 2022, in response to President Biden’s Executive Order aimed at removing barriers to legal immigration, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) updated its Policy Manual to state: “USCIS recognizes the importance of progress in STEM fields and the essential role of persons with advanced STEM degrees in fostering this progress, especially in focused critical and emerging technologies or other STEM areas important to U.S. competitiveness or national security.”

The fields of endeavor that the federal government has specifically identified as being important to national interests include advanced computing, advanced engineering materials, advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, biotechnologies, clean energy, data security, robotics, and semiconductors, among other areas (see the full list here).

If you possess an advanced STEM degree and are contributing to important STEM fields such as those listed above, contact Peak Immigration today for a free consultation to review your eligibility for this advantageous green card category.


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